The great consequences of Brexit for Spain under debate

2021-10-29T11:45:47+02:00Actualizado a fecha: 29/10/2021|4 minutos de lectura

Brexit is the acronym used by the Anglo-Saxons to express the political process for England to leave the European Union. It comes from British, which means "British" and from exit, which means "exit". However, it

The creation of the Digital Single Market continues to advance

2021-10-29T11:45:25+02:00Actualizado a fecha: 29/10/2021|2 minutos de lectura

The Digital Single Market aims to remove barriers to the cross-border procurement of goods and services online from Member States. With a volume of 500 million consumers (replacing the 28 national markets) this market will

The European Parliament proposes that multinationals break down what they earn and pay taxes in each EU country

2021-10-29T11:45:25+02:00Actualizado a fecha: 29/10/2021|1 minuto de lectura

The European Parliament has requested on Wednesday a common and consolidated tax base for Corporation Tax in the European Union (CCCTB) and has demanded that multinationals break down their profits and tax payments in each

Is my company required to file the “Intrastat” return?

2021-09-15T15:00:13+02:00Actualizado a fecha: 15/09/2021|6 minutos de lectura

They are obliged to submit and provide statistical information through the declaration INTRASTAT, the natural or legal persons who are subject to VAT,intervening in a exchange of goods with another Member State of the European

Model 720 of the Treasury: Rights, duties and penalties of the declaration of goods abroad

2021-05-17T23:11:14+02:00Actualizado a fecha: 17/05/2021|4 minutos de lectura

All holders of goods or rights outside Spain are surely familiar with the Model 720 of the Treasury,while those who have acquired goods abroad should know that they are among the persons required to make

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