Does it tax the compensation that a company has to pay to a worker for weekly breaks not taken?

2021-10-29T11:47:00+02:00Actualizado a fecha: 29/10/2021|5 minutos de lectura

The General Directorate of Taxes (DGT) has recently ruled on a case that raised the possibility of exemption from Personal Income Tax from compensation for damages declared by a final judgment of the Supreme Court

Do you know what the VAT equivalence surcharge is and what rates exist?

2021-10-29T11:46:51+02:00Actualizado a fecha: 29/10/2021|4 minutos de lectura

Are you a self-employed retailer and have you noticed that your invoices charge you a higher percentage of VAT than usual? You should know that this is not an error and that this extra percentage

How are accounts and deposits abroad taxed to the Treasury?

2021-10-29T11:46:48+02:00Actualizado a fecha: 29/10/2021|4 minutos de lectura

There are many Spaniards who with the aim of obtaining the maximum profitability for your savings,look beyond our borders, betting on the opening of accounts and the contracting of deposits abroad, given by the attractive

eye! Treasury sends letters to VAT filers announcing possible revisions

2021-10-29T11:46:41+02:00Actualizado a fecha: 29/10/2021|4 minutos de lectura

The Tax Agency has started a campaign to check the information provided by banks (of entries and exits in the accounts) with the amounts declared in the VAT. And in case of detecting considerable discrepancies,

eye! 7 Sections of the 2017 Personal Income Tax return on which to focus all your attention

2021-10-29T11:46:40+02:00Actualizado a fecha: 29/10/2021|5 minutos de lectura

Since april 5, all taxpayers must report to the Treasury and file the 2017 personal income tax return. From AYCE Laborytax we wanted to review those sections that are most important and we must pay

Care! Reasons not to speed up by confirming the draft of the 2017 Income Tax and letting an advisor review it first

2021-10-29T11:46:38+02:00Actualizado a fecha: 29/10/2021|5 minutos de lectura

On April 4, the kick-off was given to the campaign of the Income Tax return for fiscal year 2017,which will conclude on July 2, having a period of more than two months to present the

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