On April 4, the kick-off was given to the campaign of the Income Tax return for fiscal year 2017,which will conclude on July 2, having a period of more than two months to present the corresponding
draft of the Income.
Unlike usual, it seems that this year taxpayers are not begging to accept the draft.
To date, 29% more declarations have been filed than the previous campaign in the same period.
This acceleration in filings is mainly due to the launch by the Tax Agency of a mobile APP, which allows you to configure and confirm the draft of the Personal Income Tax with a single click, and which can be accessed securely through a reference number, an electronic certificate or the cl@ve pin.
Obviously, the advantages offered by this App are multiple, since it streamlines the management and makes the presentation more comfortable and effective. However, it can also lead to mistakes when making the draft of the 2017 Income, as we have verified from AYCE Laborytax.
The confirmation of the draft of the Income without reviewing in detail can bring you surprises
The possibility of presenting the Income with a single click means that there are many taxpayers who finish data that are erroneous, due to not having reviewed them correctly.
The new INCOME Tax App allows you to accept the draft and present it, so a hasty presentation could lead to miss a series of tax deductions to take into account.
That is why our
tax advisors
recommend not to speed up when confirming the draft of the 2017 Income Tax,take the time necessary to check the data, and let an advisor review it to confirm that everything reflected in the draft is correct.
Why shouldn’t you accept the 2017 Income Tax draft until a tax advisor oversees it?
The responsibility is the taxpayer’s
The Court of Justice dictates that the preparation of the draft of the Income is an assistance service provided by the Tax Agency to taxpayers.
Therefore, the responsibility for confirming an erroneous draft falls directly on the taxpayer,and may even lead to a sanctioning procedure.
It is essential to review it carefully before accepting the draft,and check that the data included is correct, as well as not to overlook data that is declarable.
Pension plans
Pension plans are deductible and can offer significant savings, so it’s important to make sure you’ve included them in the draft.
In previous years, one of the most repeated errors was related to the contributions made by taxpayers to pension plans.
It should be borne in mind that the current legislation offers a reduction in the tax base with a maximum contribution of 8 000 euros per taxpayer,or a maximum of 30%, depending on the income from work and economic activities.
To this we must add 2 500 euros to the spouse’s pension plan, as long as the income from work or economic activities does not exceed 8 000 euros per year.
Attention if you bought a home in 2017
When buying a home in the corresponding fiscal year you have to be especially attentive.
The same happens when receiving a subsidy,with deductions for maternity,or with the aid received when buying a car that meets the requirements of the PIVE plan.
As we have said, the Treasury has the data, but it is advisable to compare them and confirm that they are included in the 2017 draft.
Autonomous deductions
Usually the draft of the Income Tax return does not include data on the regional deductions, which means that they end up falling into oblivion in a large number of declarations.
You have to be especially careful with them and be attentive, since practically each Autonomous Community has a series of deductions that could be large and that are worth not overlooking.
We recommend that you review this post of our blog where we present a summary of the regional tax deductions in the Income of 2017.
Changes in personal circumstances
If personal circumstances have changed compared to the previous year, it is must be recorded when making the personal income tax draft.
Getting married, divorced, having a child or changing domicile are circumstances that have direct tax consequences and should be included,but that the Treasury does not have to know.
It is especially important to take into account births, since they offer important deductions.
Donations and affiliations
Donations or affiliations to political parties can be deducted,so it is important to include them in the statement.
It is up to the association that has received the affiliation or donation to record it, but even so you have to be attentive and ensure, so as not to miss this outstanding tax benefit.
When presenting an erroneous draft of the Income, it could be the case that we have paid less and the draft supposes a damage to the Tax Agency or that, on the contrary, we have overpaid and the damage is for the taxpayer.
In the first case, we would be exposed to a check by the Treasury,having to pay the difference not paid with its corresponding interest, or even have to face a penalty.
If instead we have overpaid, it would be our responsibility to carry out a process of rectification of the declaration, for which time is required, and it is usually difficult to prove the error.
Therefore, it is advisable not to rush and, before confirming the draft of the Income,let an advisor review it and verify that the data is correct. Remember that you have until July 2 to submit your draft.
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