The figure of the administrator has a leading role within a company,since it is the person in charge of directing and making a series of decisions, which will directly influence the future of a company.
That said, within a company there may be different types of administrators,depending on the circumstances and needs presented by each business organization, whose main objective is to obtain good results and ensure the operation of the company itself.
Next we will review the three main types of administrators that we can find in a company,as well as the functions that each of them will carry out.
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The different types of administrators within an enterprise organization
Joint administrator
The type of joint administrator is usually the most common in those companies with divided capital at 50%, or similar percentages.
It is characterised by the fact that it does not have too much room for manoeuvre for decision-making,since it needs the support of all the members who make up the council, in order to carry out any kind of action.
It may be the case that there are different joint administrators within a company,each of them specialized in a different area.
It is a figure that offers greater control to each of the parties of the company,as far as decision-making is concerned, and that also favors that these decisions are taken under consensus.
It is usual for the role of joint administrator to be exercised by a person who has no link with any of the partners,with the aim of ensuring impartiality when acting.
Solidarity administrator
The figure of the solidarity administrator is totally opposite to that of the joint administrator, since this one does have total freedom to make decisions without needing the support of the partners.
We could say that the joint administrator has total power as far as decision-making is concerned,being able to sign a contract for the performance of tasks with other external companies, on behalf of the company itself.
The joint administrators are appointed in consensus by all the partners that make up the business council,granting them full powers to run the company, always within the law.
The role of the solidarity administrator is to offer a greater lightness to the decision-making,since he can make any type of decision, even if the rest of the partners disagree. This, while it should translate into faster resolution, also has the risk of leaving the management of the entire company to a single person.
Insolvency administrator
The figure of the insolvency administrator,appears at the moment in which a business organization enters into bankruptcy. An exceptional situation, which also requires a series of concrete measures, to guarantee compliance with the obligations of a company, when entering into competition.
As established by the current Bankruptcy Law, the person who exercises the position of insolvency administrator, must be a lawyer with at least five years of professional experience,an economist, a commercial graduate or a statutory auditor,with experience in the bankruptcy field throughout his career.
The main objective of the insolvency administrators is to supervise that the obligations of the Bankruptcy Law are fulfilled,and for this you must exhaustively analyze the relationship between credits and creditors, to try to find the most effective debt reordering, in addition to an inventory of the organization.
Different ways to run a business
When managing a company, you can choose a single administrator, several administrators, or implement a Board of Directors:
Single Administrator
A single natural person is responsible for carrying out all the functions arising from the administration, as well as being responsible for all actions or omissions carried out.
Multiple administrators
As there are different managers within a company, there are different alternatives in terms of decision-making and the organization of the company itself.
Board of Directors
To establish a Board of Directors, it must be provided for in the company’s own bylaws,and may consist of a minimum of three members, and a maximum of twelve.
The Board of Directors is not usually common in limited companies, as it is not efficient for decision-making.
All the different types of administrator in a company can involve risks and responsibilities, so it is important to know the different administrators that can be within a company, as well as the roles and responsibilities of each one, before deciding to implement a type of administrator in your company.
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