
Workplace harassment is one of the main challenges facing companies today.

There are different types of harassment in the workplace,so it is important to have the right tools to prevent this type of behavior in any organization.

In AYCE Laborytax we have launched an advisory and support service to provide companies with the obligation to implement the necessary measures to eradicate any type of workplace harassment.

But first we must clarify several essential points such as the definition of workplace harassment or the most common forms of harassment in the workplace today.

We also recommend that you review the requirements that must be met for there to be workplace harassment as such in a company that we published on our blog.

What is workplace harassment?

Workplace harassment is any behavior, verbal or physical, repeated that, by action or omission, has the purpose of attacking the dignity of a person,creating an environment of helplessness, intimidation, degrading or offensive.

It requires repetition and prolongation over time and requires the purpose of psychologically undermining through vexatious behaviors.

I need advice on prevention of workplace harassment

Types of harassment

Below, we review the types of workplace harassment at work.

Sexual harassment

Sexual harassment is unwanted conduct of a sexual nature in the workplace, which makes the person feel offended, humiliated and/or intimidated.

  • Offensive sexual jokes and comments about the physical appearance or sexual condition of the worker.
  • Obscene sexual comments.
  • Spread of rumors about people’s sex lives.
  • Communications (phone calls, emails, etc.) of sexual content and offensive character.
  • Behaviors that seek the humiliation or humiliation of the worker because of their sexual condition.
  • Invitations or pressures to arrange dates or sexual encounters.
  • Invitations, requests or demands for sexual favors when they are related, directly or indirectly, to the professional career, the improvement of working conditions or the conservation of the job.
  • Use of images, graphics, vignettes, photographs or drawings of sexually explicit or suggestive content.

Harassment based on sex

Harassment based on sex is any behavior carried out based on the sex of a person, with the purpose or effect of violating their dignity and creating an intimidating, degrading or offensive environment.

  • Jokes and comments about people taking on tasks that have traditionally been developed by people of the other sex.
  • Use of degrading or offensive ways to target people of a certain sex.
  • Use of sexist humor.
  • Evaluate the work of people with contempt, unfairly or in a biased way, based on their sex or sexual inclination.
  • Explicit or implicit conduct aimed at making restrictive or limiting decisions on the person’s access to employment or its continuity in it, to vocational training, remuneration or any other matter related to working conditions.
  • Discrimination based on pregnancy or maternity.

Moral harassment or mobbing

Any aggression carried out by one or more persons verbally, psychologically or physically, with the intention of humiliating or harassing.

  • Attacks with organizational measures such as restricting the possibility of speaking, isolating colleagues, assigning tasks far below capabilities, etc.
  • Attacks on the social relations of the victim with social isolation not directing the word, attacks and criticism of private life, refusing communication, telephone terror, etc.
  • Physical violence: Physical abuse or physical threats.
  • Attacks on the attitudes of the victim such as political ideals, religious beliefs or nationality.
  • Verbal aggressions: Shouting, insulting, verbal threats, criticism of the person’s work.
  • Rumors: Speaking ill of a person or spreading rumors.

Protocol for the prevention of moral, sexual and gender-based harassment

Faced with this problem, and with the aim of eradicating workplace harassment in companies, from AYCE Laborytax we design a protocol for the prevention and treatment of moral, sexual and harassment based on sex at work to provide companies with a personalized tool to help them implement the necessary preventive measures.

In this line, we offer information on other services and resources that are available to companies to contribute to the implementation of the appropriate internal mechanisms to prevent and face this type of behavior adapting to the specific needs of each company.

the The objective of this protocol of harassment in the workplace developed by AYCE Laborytax is to define the guidelines that will allow us to identify a situation of moral harassment, sexual, based on sex, or discrimination due to pregnancy or maternity,in order to solve a discriminatory situation and minimize its consequences, guaranteeing the rights of the people involved.

In this protocol, two fundamental aspects are considered: the prevention of harassment and the business reaction to complaints of harassment, so two types of actions are ruled:

  1. Establishment of measures aimed at preventing and avoiding situations of workplace harassment or likely to constitute harassment.
  2. Establishment of an internal procedure of action for cases in which, even trying to prevent such situations, there is a complaint or internal complaint for harassment by any person.

Why does your company need a protocol against different types of workplace harassment?

Organic Law 3/2007, of 22 March, for the effective equality of women and men, expressly prohibits sexual harassment and harassment based on sex.

Article 48 also provides that companies must promote working conditions that prevent sexual harassment and harassment based on sex and arbitrate specific procedures for its prevention and to channel complaints or claims that may be made by those who have been subject to it.

Through the realization of this protocol, companies record their intention to carry out, within the framework of their responsibilities, as many measures as necessary to promote a work environment free of harassment,not allowing behaviors of this nature.

If you need to implement a protocol for the prevention of moral harassment, sexual harassment and harassment basedon sex, contact AYCE Laborytax and our team of advisors will help you.

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