Frequently Asked Questions about an ERE or Employment Regulation File

2021-10-29T11:48:30+02:00Actualizado a fecha: 29/10/2021|4 minutos de lectura

Companies or, in another case, those legally responsible for a person who is working through a temporary regulation are those that present an ERE or employment regulation file. In this way, the working day will

The Government launches aid for SMEs that implement equality plans for 2017

2021-10-29T11:48:26+02:00Actualizado a fecha: 29/10/2021|4 minutos de lectura

Since the entry into force of Organic Law 3/2007, of March 22, for the effective equality of women and men, it was established that any company that exceeds 250 workers must establish and implement equality

Internship Contract: 10 Important Points Every Company Should Know

2021-10-29T11:48:18+02:00Actualizado a fecha: 29/10/2021|4 minutos de lectura

The internship contract is a tool that facilitates the entry into the labor market of students who have completed a period of training. This employability formula encourages hiring through incentives to companies and regulates the

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