Since last Thursday, May 21st, the use of the mask is mandatory in offices and workspaces,as well as anywhere else where social distance cannot be maintained.
The State General Gazet (BOE) contains the regulations specifying the mandatory use of masks,which has extended the mandatory use of masks, since at first their use was only mandatory on public transport.
This regulation has generated different doubts between entrepreneurs and workers, that is why from AYCE Laborytax we want to give you keys to the mandatory use of masks in offices and workspaces in front of the Covid-19.
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Everything you need to know about mandatory use of masks in offices and workspaces
As established by the regulations, the use of mask will be mandatory on public roads, in outdoor spaces and in any enclosed space for public use – or is open to the public – provided that it is not possible to maintain in them the interpersonal safety distance of two meters.
Therefore, the use of masks will be mandatory in offices and workspaces,with the aim of ensuring the safety of both employees and customers themselves, and thus prevent possible contagion, provided that the safety distance between employees cannot be guaranteed.
Also, in case the office or workspace is open to the public, it should always be carried the mask,in addition to being highly recommended to use other protective measures such as bulkheads and hydroalcoholic gel.
What kind of masks should be used?
As indicated by the Ministry of Health, any type of approved mask coveringthe nose and mouth may be used, with hygienic and surgical masks being highly recommended.
On the other hand, FFP2 masks are recommended for healthcare, professionals in contact with the virus and for vulnerable people or called as ‘high risk’.
It will be up to the company whether or not to provide the masks to itsemployees, although in our opinion, it is highly recommended that it is the company that provides this material.
How long will mandatory use of masks be maintained in offices and workspaces?
Mandatory use of masks in offices and workspaces shall be maintained until authorized by the Government or the Autonomous Communities.
However, once the mandatory period is over, it is advisable to continue using the mask as long as the safety distance cannot be guaranteed.
In short, the use of masks will be mandatory in addition to public spaces, in offices and workplaces, provided that the safety distance cannot be maintained and until the Government or the Autonomous Communities authorizes that it is possible to stop using them mandatoryly.
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