Self-employed workers probably already know that this year 2018 brings news for them. Among these, the deadline for applying for registration in self-employed.
The activity of the self-employed represents an important part of a country’s economic activity.
Undoubtedly, the
Spanish self-employed
enjoy various advantages but, in return, they are required to make an extra effort:always try to be up to date with current regulations regarding obligations with the Treasury or Social Security.
In light of these considerations, and in order to clarify these important changes, we will address them below.
News in the application for registration in self-employed for 2018
Until the reform produced by Law 6/2017, to start working on your own, the first step was to register with the Treasury. Once the activity began, there were 30 calendar days to register in the RETA.
That is, before 2018, registration at the tax level was prioritized, comparedto registration in the Social Security contribution system.
As of January 1, 2018, the date on which the new regulation came into force, the issue changes.
Now, the registration in the Self-Employed in the Social Security must be prior – or, at least, simultaneous – to the registration in the Tax Agency and, therefore, must precede the beginning of the activity.
The first Final Provision of the new law, in relation to articles 46 and 32.3-1 of the Affiliation Regulations, gives rise to a categorical statement: interested parties must submit the application for registration always before the beginning of the exercise of the activity.
Specifically, up to 60 days before registration at the Treasury.
What reasons may the legislator have had to advance the application deadline in self-employed?
Undoubtedly, the reason is to try to avoid at all costs, not only delays in the payment of contributions, but also to prevent possible situations of lack of coverage in the different contingencies that may occur to the worker.
It should be remembered that we are facing a sensitive point: the coverage of the contingencies of disability, work accident, retirement, etc.
It is necessary, therefore, to be very attentive to the new deadlines, because the extemporaneous highs carry the pertinent administrative sanction.
And, not only that, but the contributions that correspond to the period prior to the late registration, will be required with the legally established surcharges and interests.
How to register in the self-employed in 2018
That must be stead-ed-ed at once again; the first thing is to comply with the legal deadline. That is, that the discharge is prior in up to 60 days to the beginning of the activity.
But how is it processed?
The registration in the Self-employed in the Social Security is an administrative procedure that, as usual, begins with an application.
This must be presented to the Provincial Directorate of the General Treasury that corresponds to the address of the establishment of the self-employed or, failing that, the one corresponding to his domicile.
However, for reasons of convenience or convenience it can be presented in a public body of a different province. In this case, the unit that receives it will send it to the administration concerned.
The applicant may require proof of submission. Which is, of course, very advisable, for example, to avoid any situation of helplessness, in case of a possible error, whether processing or registration of the application.
Regarding the effects of registration in the regime, they occur from the day on which the requirements required to be considered a self-employed worker are met.
The remaining registrations, from the fourth within a year, produce legal effects from the first day of the month in which these requirements are met.
What if two or more activities are carried out simultaneously?
In this case, it is enough that the discharge is unique. Of course, in the registration application it is necessary to indicate all the activities to be carried out.
If this pluriactivity occurs after registration, it is necessary to make a modification of data in the manner established by regulation.
The most important thing is to communicate it to the Social Security in time,that is, within three calendar days following that in which the change has occurred.
In the previous regulations, this deadline was also longer,now it has been reduced by half.
If the deadline is not respected, again, it is possible to be sanctioned and, in addition, with effects prior to the date of communication.
It is also important to note that both the registration and subsequent modifications can be made electronically, through the Electronic Office of the Social Security. Of course, it is necessary digital certificate, or username and password.
Do you want to dispel doubts?
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will always expand the information and, of course, will take care of the processing with professionalism.
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