From 1 July 2016, EU Regulation 910/2014 of 23 July on electronic identification and trust services in electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing Directive 1999/93/EC shall apply.
To carry out the adaptation of all these technical changes, from the next March the Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre-Real Casa de la Moneda (FNMT-RCM) will begin to issue the new certificates of representative of legal entity, representative of entity without legal personality and representative for sole and solidary administrators.
And you must bear in mind that from this date, the current certificates of legal person and entity without legal personality will no longer be issued, so the renewal of the same can no longer be carried out from the website. This does not mean that they are not still valid as you can continue to use them until the date of their expiration or revocation.
What are the steps to take to obtain the new certificate from the month of March?
Sole or joint administrator: If you are a sole or joint administrator, you can obtain your representative certificate without it being necessary to go to the registration offices or provide any documentation, provided that you identify yourself on the page Web CERES,with its electronic certificate of natural person either issued by the FNMT-RCM or with the certificates included in your electronic DNI.
You are not a sole or joint administrator:In this case if you cannot identify yourself on the website as described in the previous paragraph, it is necessary to go to a registration office to request a certificate of representative, with the documentation required in each case.
Please note that the issuance of the certificate is subject to the validity or not of the capacity of representation that is recorded in the Commercial Registry in favor of the interested party.
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