If you are self-employed or have an SME, and you are thinking of buying a car for the performance of your work activity, you will be able to access aid to buy cars in 2019, as established by Royal Decree 132/2019 approved by the Council of Ministers, which regulates the bases of the Incentive Program for Efficient and Sustainable Mobility (MOVES).
What is the MOVES program?
The ‘MOVES’ program is aimed at individuals and SMEs who want to renew their vehicle. It has a total budget of EUR 45 million to promote the purchase of alternative vehicles, the creation of electric vehicle charging points, and the development of e-bike loan systems. In addition, it aims to create sustainable transport plans in the workplace.
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The aid to self-employed and SMEs to buy cars in 2019 range from 700 euros for the purchase of electric motorcycles, to 15,000 euros for the purchase of trucks and buses with alternative propulsion. The aid for the purchase of light electric vehicles ranges from 5,000 euros.
Conditions for accessing subsidies to buy cars in 2019
So that a self-employed person or an SME can qualify for the subsidy to buy cars in 2019, it is an essential requirement that the purchase of a new vehicle (or with a maximum age of 9 months) is intended to replace another vehicle with more than 10 years of age; or 7 in the case of vans and/or light trucks, they will be intended to decommission this type of vehicle.
In the case of self-employed workers, they must provide the corresponding certificate of registration in the Census of Employers, Professionals and Retainers,which is issued by the State Tax Administration Agency. On the other hand, SMEs will have to submit the responsible declaration certifying that they are an SME.
In addition, in both cases to qualify for the subsidy it will be necessary to provide a certificate proving that you are up to date in terms of compliance with tax and Social Security obligations, or failing that, the responsible declaration when the subsidies do not exceed 3,000 euros per beneficiary.
The time limit for applying for aid for the purchase of vehicles shall be fixed by each autonomous communityin the manner in which they lay down; until December 31, 2019 or until the exhaustion of budget funds. All persons and SMEs interested in accessing these grants must submit the corresponding application, which will be transferred to the provisional reserve list.
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Payrolls must include all clearly differentiated remuneration concepts.
Eligibility requirements for MOVES grants
In order to access the subsidies of the MOVES Programme, it is an essential requirement that the self-employed person or the SME is in a situation that supports the granting of the subsidy,or that the circumstances provided for in the regulatory bases and in the call for proposals are met.
Likewise, self-employed workers and SMEs that are in the following circumstances will not be able to benefit from the aid to buy cars in 2019:
- Have been sentenced to the loss of the possibility of obtaining subsidies or public aid by means of a final sentence, for crimes of prevarication, bribery, embezzlement of public funds, influence peddling, fraud and illegal exactions, or urban crimes.
- When a voluntary competition has been requested, they have been declared in a situation of insolvency, have been declared in competition, be subject to judicial intervention or have been disqualified, without the end of the disqualification period.
- Have been found guilty of the final termination of any contract concluded with the Administration.
- That there are incompatibilities of the Personnel at the Service of the Public Administrations.
- Not be aware of the payment of tax or Social Security obligations, as well as obligations for reimbursement of subsidies in the terms determined by regulation.
- Have the tax residence fixed in a country or territory qualified as a tax haven.
- Undertakings which have been transformed or merged with another undertaking which is not in a position to obtain subsidies or state aid.
If you are a self-employed or an SME and you need to renew an old vehicle for the performance of your work activity, you can now access these aids and subsidies to buy cars in 2019.
Remember that to access these subsidies, you must meet a series of requirements, and that the objective of the new vehicle must be the replacement of another with an age of 10 years or more.
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