You have had a brilliant idea for a long time, you dream of launching your own professional project, and now that you have decided to take the step, you need to find financing formulas to create your new company.
Finding sources that allow you to finance a new company will be key to making your project a reality, but it is very likely that you will encounter different problems that complicate your access to those sources of funding.
There are different ways of financing,depending on the type of business you have in mind, will adapt better or worse to what you need. It is important to choose the most appropriate route,and for this it is essential to know such fundamental aspects as the amount you need, the repayment terms, the risk that can be assumed, if it is advisable to let new investors in, etc.
From AYCE Laborytax,with the aim of helping you find the best way to finance your new company, we are going to tell you the different alternatives you have available. Value them, and choose the most suitable one to start your new business.
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Different ways to finance your new project
Own sources of funding
It is best to find your own sources of financing,since they do not have a specific period of time for their amortization, because it will coincide that the creditors are also the owners of the company.
Own financing could come from your own share capital, contributions from other partners, depreciation and/or provisions, as well as savings that you have kept for so many years.
A source of own financing is the most recommended option, but the truth is that the vast majority of start-ups are forced to resort to external sources of financing, such as the ones we tell you about below.
Bank loan
Bank lending is the financing channel par excellence for start-ups,although due to the years of economic crisis, it may now be more difficult to receive financing through this route.
The main advantage of this route is that banks offer a wide variety of loans with different conditions(microcredits, loans for entrepreneurs, loans with special conditions, etc.),which will allow you to choose the most appropriate option.
On the other hand, the main drawback of bank loans is that they are accompanied by interest, which usually ranges between 3.5% and 7.5% per year,depending on the type of loan requested, as well as the solvency and assets of the company.
In order to achieve the lowest possible interest rate, it is important to present a viable business plan, with a detailed forecast of expenses and income, which manages to convince the banks.
Crowdfunding,also known as crowdfunding, refers to a collaborative system for the financing of projects,through which different interested investors are contacted, so that they can contribute financing to your project.
Depending on the type of business, investors could invest selflessly, or in exchange for a stake in the capital,or a reward.
It is an increasingly popular financing alternative,perfectly regulated, and supervised by the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV).
Business Angels
The“business angels”are characterized by being investors who not only contribute an amount of money, but are also professionals specialized in the sector, and can provide knowledge, experience and contacts,which is shown as an added value to take into account.
In the same way as venture capital companies, business angels tend to invest in companies that are in the start-up phase. The difference is that in general, the amount invested by business angels is usually lower than the average spent by venture capital institutions.
State aid
Another option is to apply for public aid,either through a grant or a soft loan. Different entities such as Empresa Nacional de Innovación S.A. (ENISA), Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI) or the European Commission (EC) offer aid for start-ups,especially for those that have a scalable structure, and belong to the technological or environmental sector.
State aid is highly recommended and is a very good option, but it should not be the only source of funding.
These are the main ways available to finance a new company, which you can take advantage of to get your project started. If you want more information, you can consult our experts in tax advice without any commitment. They’ll be happy to assist you.
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