Subsidies aimed at stimulating the labour market and promoting stable and quality employment through open-ended recruitment. Decree 41/2020 of 3 August (Resolution 7/06/2021 credits available for 2021 published 14/06/21)
The subsidy will apply to contracts made from 15/06/2021 to 30/11/21, unless the budget appropriation is exhausted.
- Indefinite hiring of people in a situation of full-time unemployment.
- Transformation of temporary contracts into indefinite contracts.
- Extension of Part-time to Full-Time (women only).
- Contracts that affect relatives by consanguinity or affinity, up to and including the second degree, of the employer. The aforementioned exclusions will not operate, when it is accredited by certification of registration that the person to be hired does not live with the employer or with the people indicated in the previous section.
- The hiring of workers who in the previous six months had provided services in the same company or group of companies through an indefinite contract.
- That the subsidized job, the result of hiring or transformation, is generated in the territory of Castilla-La Mancha.
- That the indefinite hiring or transformation, supposes a net increase of the permanent employment of the company in relation to the template in the ninety days prior to the hiring, excluding voluntary leaves. This obligation will not be required if the ninety day period prior to the new hiring or transformation, indicated in the previous paragraph, coincides in part or in full with the state of alarm declared as a result of the health crisis caused by COVID-19
- Not have been sanctioned, by virtue of an administrative resolution or final judicial sentence, for the commission of serious or very serious infractions in the field of prevention of occupational risks in the year prior to the request.
- Have the Occupational Risk Prevention Plan.
- Be up to date with payment with tax obligations and Social Security.
- Not having performed termination of employment contracts for objective reasons or for disciplinary dismissals that have been declared judicially or recognized by the employer as inadmissible, as well as not having made collective redundancies, suspensions of contracts or reductions in working hours, within the period of the six months preceding the conclusion of the contract for which aid is requested. The aforementioned exclusion will affect a number of contracts equal to the number of extinctions produced. This requirement will not be applicable to suspensions of contracts or reductions in working hours, in the cases contemplated in articles 22 and 23 of Royal Decree-Law 8/2020, of March 17, on extraordinary urgent measures to deal with the economic and social impact of COVID-19, in relation to article 47 of the revised text of the Workers’ Statute Law, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 2/2015, of October 23, and provided that they have occurred during the state of alarm as a result of the health crisis caused by COVID-19, within the scope of the Autonomous Community of Castilla-La Mancha.
Maintain the subsidized job for a minimum period of twelve months,
and the number of indefinite contracts existing in the work centers that the beneficiary entity had on the date of the contract, for a minimum period of six months.
a) That they are formalized with any of the following groups:
- Long-term unemployed persons who at the time of hiring are registered as jobseekers (at least twelve months during the last eighteen months. ) not occupied in the employment offices of Castilla-La Mancha.
- People over 45 years of age, who at the time of hiring are registered as jobseekers not occupied in the employment offices of Castilla-La Mancha, and who have remained registered in said offices as job seekers not employed more than six months in the last twelve months.
- People who at the time of hiring are registered as jobseekers not employed in the employment offices of Castilla-La Mancha and who as a result of the crisis caused by COVID-19 have had their employment contracts terminated.
b) That the hiring is full-time.
- The amount of the subsidy for the formalization of contracts for an indefinite period, concluded on a full-time basis will be:
- If the person hired is long-term unemployed:
euros per contract, when the age of the person hired is between 30 and 44 years.
euros per contract, when the age of the person hired is less than or equal to 29 years or when the age of the person hired is between 45 and 51 years.
euros per contract, when the age of the person hired is equal to or greater than 52 years.
- If the person hired is long-term unemployed:
The amounts indicated in this section will be increased each of them by 500 euros if the person hired is a woman.
- If the person hired is over 45 years of age, who at the time of hiring is registered as a non-occupied job seeker in the employment offices of Castilla-La Mancha, and who have remained registered in said offices as a non-occupied job seeker more than six months in the last twelve months:
- 5,140 euros per contract, if it is a man.
- 5,640 euros per contract, if it is a woman.
- If the person hired is over 45 years of age, who at the time of hiring is registered as a non-occupied job seeker in the employment offices of Castilla-La Mancha, and who have remained registered in said offices as a non-occupied job seeker more than six months in the last twelve months:
- If the person hired at the time of hiring is registered as a job seeker not occupied in the employment offices of Castilla la Mancha and as a result of the crisis caused by COVID-19 has suffered an extinction of his previous employment contract.
- 5,140 euros per contract, if it is a man.
- 5,640 euros per contract, if it is a woman.
- If the person hired at the time of hiring is registered as a job seeker not occupied in the employment offices of Castilla la Mancha and as a result of the crisis caused by COVID-19 has suffered an extinction of his previous employment contract.
- The amounts fixed in paragraph 1 shall be increased by EUR 700 where the contracted worker belongs to one of the following groups:
- Persons not receiving benefits, unemployment benefits or any other form of protection against unemployment.
- Persons who have obtained in the six months prior to the date of recruitment, a certificate of professionalism, a basic vocational training degree, of medium or higher degree, or qualification of the same level as that of the latter, corresponding to artistic or sports vocational training education, or an official university degree.
- People who have participated as assigned workers in the realization of projects within the “Guarantee + 55 years” program.
- The amounts provided for in section 1 will be increased by 1,000 euros, when the contracted worker belongs to one of the following special groups:
- Women who have accredited the status of victims of gender violence.
- Groups in a situation of social exclusion or that come from an insertion company.
- The amount of the subsidy obtained in accordance with the previous sections will be increased by 20% when the contracts are made in one of the municipalities included in the Annex to Decree 31/2017.
The increases referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 may not be applied cumulatively for the same procurement.
Requirements –
All three requirements must be met together.
a) That the transformation of the contract is formalized, at most, in the first 5 months from the formalization of the initial temporary contract.
b) That the indefinite contract is carried out full-time.
c) That the transformation of the temporary contract into an indefinite one has not been carried out as a result of the action of the Labor Inspectorate.
- The amounts of the aid for the transformation of a temporary contract into an indefinite contract shall be as follows:
- 4,000 euros per contract, when the age of the contracting person is between 30 and 44 years.
- 5,300 euros per contract, when the age of the person hired is less than 30 years or over 44 years.
- The amounts fixed in paragraph 1 shall be increased by EUR 700 where the worker has obtained, within six months of the date of conversion of the contract, a certificate of professionalism, a qualification in basic vocational training, of a medium or higher degree, or a qualification of the same level as that of the latter, corresponding to artistic or sports vocational training, or an official university degree.
- The amounts provided for in section 1 will be increased by 1,000 euros, when the worker belongs to one of the following special groups:
- Women who have accredited the status of victims of gender violence in the terms of Organic Law 1/2004, of December 28, on Comprehensive Protection Measures against Gender Violence.
- Groups in a situation of social exclusion or that come from an insertion company.
The increases referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 may not be applied cumulatively for the same procurement.
The amount of the subsidy obtained in accordance with the previous sections will be increased by 20% when the contracts are made in one of the municipalities included in the Annex to Decree 31/2017.
The conversion of indefinite part-time contracts into indefinite full-time contracts shall be eligible. In any case, the conversion of the part-time contract into a full-time contract must mean an increase in the worker’s working day of at least 25%.
- The amount of the aid for the conversion of part-time contracts into indefinite full-time contracts, under this decree, will be 2,500 euros per contract.
- The amount provided for in section 1 will be increased by 1,000 euros, when the person hired belongs to one of the following special groups:
- Women who have accredited the status of victims of gender violence in the terms of Organic Law 1/2004, of December 28, on Comprehensive Protection Measures against Gender Violence.
- Person in a situation of social exclusion or who come from an insertion company.
- In those cases in which the indefinite contract object of the subsidy would have been extinguished by resignation, death, retirement or total, absolute or great permanent disability of the worker, situation of voluntary leave that does not entail the reservation of the job, disciplinary dismissal not declared as inadmissible, for this, as a prerequisite for the processing of the judicial process, the attempt of conciliation or, where appropriate, mediation before the corresponding administrative service, or, where the termination occurred during the probationary period in the case of an initial indefinite contract, must fill the vacancy within a maximum period of two months in accordance with the following rules:
- That the duration of the working day is identical or greater than that of the replaced worker.
- That none of the exclusion circumstances set out in Article 8 are present.
- That the substitute worker is registered, prior to hiring, as a job seeker not occupied in the employment offices of Castilla-La Mancha. However, in the case of subsidies for the conversion of a temporary contract into an indefinite contract or in the case of conversion of a part-time contract into a full-time contract, the replacement may also be made with a worker with a temporary contract, or with a part-time contract, belonging to the beneficiary entity.
- In the event that the substitute does not belong to the same group as the substituted, the subsidy will be subject, where appropriate, to the corresponding reimbursement in proportion to the time worked by the replaced person. Although, in no case, a greater amount of the subsidy granted will correspond, the change of collective in the substitute person.
- In those cases in which any of the indefinite contracts not subsidized would have been extinguished by resignation, death, retirement or total, absolute or great permanent disability of the worker, situation of voluntary leave that does not entail the reservation of the job, disciplinary dismissal not declared as inadmissible, disciplinary dismissal in which the affected worker has not tried within the legally established period for it, as a prerequisite for the processing of the judicial process, the attempt at conciliation or, where appropriate, mediation before the corresponding administrative service, or, when the termination had occurred during the trial period, the beneficiary entities must fill the vacancy within a maximum period of two months, at least, with the same day as the worker whose contract had been terminated.
- In those cases in which any of the subsidized or non-subsidized contracts, would have been extinguished for reasons other than those indicated above or when the vacancy has not been filled in the terms provided therein, the General Directorate responsible for employment, will initiate the corresponding reinstatement procedure.
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