After one of the most ‘atypical’ summers that has touched us to live, with the arrival of the month of September it’s time to face a return to work. If until now we had to deal with the stress of going back to the routine or with the famous ‘post-holiday depression’, this year we also have to face the uncertainty caused by the pandemic.
In addition, this September will also coincide with the return to the workplace for many workers,after a few months where a high percentage of companies have opted for telework as a measure to prevent possible coronavirus infections.
With the fear of contagion and the uncertainty that may have been in place, from AYCE Laborytax we want to give you some tips to live peacefully this return to work marked by the pandemic, as normal and safe as possible.
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Tips for a safe and safe return to work without risk of contagion
> The importance of informing yourself
One of the most important points for back to work is properly reported, always through reliable and safe sources such as Ministries, Counseling, Official Agencies, Mutuals, Prevention Services… Etc. In these sources they will report any news on thissubject, always being certain that it is official, proven and reliable information.
On the contrary, it is advisable not to trust news and information disseminated through Whatsapp, social networks or websites of dubious reputation; because the information could be incomplete, wrong or false.
> Mask and disinfectant gels, indispensable
In this return to work the mask and disinfectant gels are indispensable elements. That’s why you need to make sure that all employees are always wearing the mask in public areas, and have disinfectant gels, reminding workers of the need to disinfect their hands at all times.
Measures will also need to be taken to prevent contagion and ensure the safety of both workers and customers, maintaining safety distances and installing, if necessary, safety screens.
> Organize the entrance
In companies with a large number of workers, it is recommended to organize the entry time in a staggered way, in order to avoid crowds. It is important to organize the entrance by shift or apartment, and if possible, enable more than one door or entrance access.
> Rest, more important than ever
It is always important to rest well, but on this return to work marked by coronavirus, rest is more important than ever; in addition to the practice of physical exercise, good diet and ultimately, lead a healthy lifestyle.
The doubts, fear and uncertainty of the coronavirus will increase wear and tear in workers,being essential to be perfectly rested to face the working day in the best possible conditions, without desceding productivity.
In addition, different studies have shown that since confinement began, sleepproblems have greatly increased, leading to a lack of energy that can be a risk at work.
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> Stress management
One of the main objectives of companies will be to manage stress. It has been shown that after the return of the holiday, stress can be a risk factor for health and well-being,which in many cases can lead to illness.
This year, in addition, many workers have been out of work or doing so remotely for months, so reintegration of work can cause high levels of stress if the necessary measures are not taken or it is the right way.
> Encouraging telework
While it is true that a company cannot impose telework, it can put facilities to promote telework,encouraging workers to choose between returning to the workplace or continuing to do so remotely.
Currently teleworking is the best formula to prevent contagion in companies,since it reduces contact between workers and, in case of contagion, it is certain that the infected worker will be at home, without putting the health of other colleagues at risk.
> Shift to work
Another important point to consider is the shift to work,being advisable, whenever possible, the individual transfer to the workplace in order to avoid unnecessary contacts between colleagues.
Also, as far as possible, it is recommended to avoid public transport,since although it is true that precautionary measures have been exercised, being in contact with many unknown people, the risk of contagion is increased.
If you have no choice but public transport, it is essential to maintain the safe distance with other people, always use mask and disinfectant gel.
These are just some of the tips to live as normal and peacefully as possible a return to work marked by the pandemic, by fear and disrecognise. Keep them in mind in your company and enjoy a return to activity in the best conditions.
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